PCI Requirement 10.7
The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) Audit reports provide available documentation and compliance artifacts that help you demonstrate compliance with requirements of the PCI DSS.
The PCI Requirement 10.7 report provides guidance for performing log searches that help you demonstrate compliance with Requirement 10.7.
To access the PCI Requirement 10.7 report:
- In the Alert Logic console, click the menu icon (
), and then click
- Click Reports, and then click Compliance.
- Under PCI DSS Audit, click VIEW.
- Click PCI Requirement 10.7.
The report summary page displays two columns. Testing Procedures lists each procedure that is required for testing the selected PCI requirement. Available Documentation and Artifacts describes, and contains links to, the documentation and compliance artifacts that this report can demonstrate compliance with each testing procedure.
Schedule the report
After you finish setting up the report, you can use CREATE REPORT to run it periodically and subscribe users or an integration (such as a webhook) to receive a notification when the report is generated. To learn how to schedule the report and subscribe notification recipients, see Scheduled Reports and Notifications.
Available Documentation and Artifacts
This report provides you with quick access to log messages that help you demonstrate that audit trail history is retained for at least one year, with a minimum of three months immediately available for analysis (for example, online, archived or restorable from backup).
Testing procedure for PCI 10.7.a
This testing procedure verifies that security policies and procedures are defined by audit log retention policies, and procedures for retaining audit logs for at least one year, with a minimum of three months immediately available online.
Alert Logic does not provide data for this testing procedure. You must provide the policy and procedure documents for this audit.
Testing procedure for PCI 10.7.b
This testing procedure requires that personnel are interviewed and verify that audit logs are retained for at least one year.
This section provides you with a link for quick access to the Search page in the Alert Logic console, where you can use the date range drop-down menu to view log messages received on or before the date one year ago.
Testing procedure for PCI 10.7.c
This testing procedure requires that personnel are interviewed and observe processes to verify that at least three month's logs are immediately available for analysis.
This section provides you with a link for quick access to the Search page in the Alert Logic console, where you can use the date range drop-down menu to view log messages received on or before the date one year ago.