Scheduled Report Notification Schema

You can refer to this scheduled report notification schema to configure the payload template for a third-party templated connection.




  "account_id": "string",
  "artifact_data": {
    "attachments": [
        "name": "string",
        "url": "string"
    "create_time": number,
    "metadata": {
      "artifact_create_date": "string",
      "cadence": "string",
      "cid": "string",      
      "customer_name": "string",
      "report_description": "string",
      "report_id": "string",
      "report_type": "string",
      "result_count": number,      
      "schedule_id": "string",      
      "scheduled_report_name": "string"
    "result_count": number,    
    "result_id": "string"      
  "created": {
    "at": number,
    "by": "string"
  "delete_empty_result": boolean,
  "id": "string",
  "modified": {
   "at": number,
   "by": "string"
  "name": "string",
  "notify_behavior": "string",
  "publish_result": {
    "status": "string",
    "timestamp": number
  "published": boolean,
  "run_once": boolean,
  "schedule": {
    "daily": {
      "hour": number,     
      "minute": number
    "weekly": {
      "day": number,     
      "hour": number,     
      "minute": number
    "monthly": {
      "day": number,     
      "hour": number,     
      "minute": number
  "schedule_id": "string",
  "scheduled_time": number,
  "status": "string",  
  "type": "string",
  "extra": {
    "artifact_create_date": "string",
    "cadence": "string",
    "cid": "string",
    "customer_name": "string",
    "download_url": "string",
    "report_description": "string",
    "report_id": "string",
    "result_count": "string",
    "schedule_id ": "string",
    "scheduled_report_name": "string",
    "ui_url": "string"


  • account_id (string) - Customer account identifier (example: 12345678)

  • artifact_data (object) - Information about the scheduled report

    • attachments (object) - Information used internally to attach the scheduled report to the notification email
      • name (string) - Name of the report schedule with the report generation date appended (example: Daily Variance Report 2022-08-25 21:26 GMT.gz)
      • url (string) - URL to download the report (example:
    • create_time (number) - Epoch time when the report was generated (example: 1661462780)
    • metadata (object) - Information in the email notification sent to the customer when the scheduled report is generated
      • artifact_create_date (string) - Date and time the scheduled report was generated in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM GMT (example: 2022-08-25 21:26 GMT)
      • cadence (string) - Schedule frequency and time when report is scheduled to run in human-readable format (example: Daily, 21:26 GMT)
      • cid (string) - Customer account identifier (example: 12345678). Alert Logic recommends you use account_id instead.
      • customer_name (string) - Customer name of the Alert Logic account where the report was scheduled (example: XYZ Corporation)
      • report_description (string) - Description of the report that appears in the Alert Logic console (example: This report provides a comparison of new, resolved and unresolved vulnerability instances in your environment from the previous day.)
      • report_id (string) - Report execution identifier (example: 20220825-212600-48DF99CF-C94F-1005-8001-0242AC110010). Alert Logic recommends you use id instead.
      • report_type (string) - Name of scheduled report as displayed in the Alert Logic console (example: Daily Vulnerability Variance)
      • result_count (number) - Number of rows in the generated report, where a zero means the report is empty (example: 1471). Alert Logic recommends that you use artifact_data.result_count instead.
      • schedule_id (string) - Schedule identifier (example: 48DF99CF-C94F-1005-8001-0242AC110010). Alert Logic recommends that you use schedule_id instead.
      • scheduled_report_name (string) - Name of the report schedule (example: Daily Variance Report). Alert Logic recommends that you use name instead.
    • result_count (number) - Number of rows in the generated report, where a zero means the report is empty (example: 1471)
    • result_id (string) - Generated report identifier (example: 72DB7F39-E717-1005-8001-0242AC110016)

  • created (object)
    • at (number) - Epoch time of schedule creation (example: 1661462760)

    • by (string) - User ID that created the schedule (example: A3CBF982-2FED-4E4B-9168-9E28F22FEEE3)

  • delete_empty_result (Boolean) - Whether the notification and report are deleted automatically if results are empty (example: false)

  • id (string) - Scheduled report execution ID (example: 20220825-212600-48DF99CF-C94F-1005-8001-0242AC110010)

  • modified (object)
    • at (number) - Epoch time of the schedule change (example: 1661462780)

    • by (string) - User ID that changed the schedule (example: A3CBF982-2FED-4E4B-9168-9E28F22FEEE3)

  • name (string) - Name of the report schedule (example: Daily Variance Report)

  • notify_behavior (string) - Choice of when to send notifications (example: ifnotempty)

    Valid values: always, never, ifnotempty - send a notification only if execution returns results that are not empty; see result_count

  • publish_result (object or string) - Result of sending the notification. A value of null means that the user does not request sending a notification; see notify_behavior.
    • status (string) - Notification status (example: ok)

      Valid values: ok or an error

    • timestamp (number) - Epoch time stamp indicating when the notification was sent (example: 1661462760)

  • published (Boolean) - Whether a notification was sent (example: false)

    Valid values: true, false

  • run_once (Boolean) - Whether the report was scheduled to be run only once. Schedule frequency is ignored if "true" is the value (example: false)

    Valid values: true, false

  • schedule (object) – Schedule frequency and time when report is scheduled to run (example: daily)

    Valid values: daily, weekly, monthly

    • daily (object) – Schedule frequency value set by the user. Values are mutually exclusive.
      • hour (number) - GMT hour when the report is scheduled to run in 24-hour clock format (example: 21)

      • minute (number) - Minute portion of time when report is scheduled to run (example: 26)

    • weekly (object) – Schedule frequency value set by the user. Values are mutually exclusive.
      • day (string) - Day of the week when the report is scheduled to run (example: tuesday)

        Valid values:  sunday, monday, tuesday, wednesday, thursday, friday

      • hour (number) - GMT hour when the report is scheduled to run in 24-hour clock format (example: 21)

      • minute (number) - Minute portion of time when report is scheduled to run (example: 26)

    • monthly (object) – Schedule frequency value set by the user. Values are mutually exclusive.
      • day (number) - Day of the month (1-31) when the report is scheduled to run (example: 15)

      • hour (number) - GMT hour when the report is scheduled to run in 24-hour clock format (example: 21)

      • minute (number) - Minute portion of time when report is scheduled to run (example: 30)

  • schedule_id (string) – Schedule identifier (example: 48DF99CF-C94F-1005-8001-0242AC110010)

  • scheduled_time (number) – Epoch time when the report is or was scheduled to run (example: 1661462760)

  • status (string) – Current state of the scheduled report execution (example: completed)

    Valid values: scheduled, running, completed, failed, canceled, deleted

  • type (string) – Schedule type (example: tableau)

    Value for a report schedule: tableau

  • extra (object) - Additional information about the scheduled report notification

    • artifact_create_date (string) - Date and time the scheduled report was generated in the format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM GMT (example: 2022-08-25 21:26 GMT). Alert Logic recommends you use artifact_data.metadata.artifact_create_date instead.

    • cadence (string) - Schedule frequency and time when report is scheduled to run in human-readable format (example: Daily, 21:26 GMT). Alert Logic recommends you use artifact_data.metadata.cadence instead.

    • cid (string) - Customer account identifier (example: 12345678). Alert Logic recommends you use account_id instead.

    • customer_name (string) - Customer name of the Alert Logic account where the report was scheduled (example: XYZ Corporation). Alert Logic recommends you use artifact_data.metadata.customer_name instead.

    • download_url (string) - URL for downloading the scheduled report from the Alert Logic console (example:

    • report_description (string) - Description of the report that appears in the Alert Logic console (example: This report provides a comparison of new, resolved and unresolved vulnerability instances in your environment from the previous day.). Alert Logic recommends you use artifact_data.metadata.report_description instead.

    • report_id (string) - Report execution identifier (example: 20220825-212600-48DF99CF-C94F-1005-8001-0242AC110010). Alert Logic recommends you use id instead.

    • report_type (string) - Name of scheduled report as displayed in the Alert Logic console (example: Daily Vulnerability Variance). Alert Logic recommends you use artifact_data.metadata.report_type instead.

    • result_count (number) - Number of rows in the generated report, where a zero means the report is empty (example: 1471). Alert Logic recommends that you use artifact_data.result_count instead.

    • schedule_id (string) - Schedule identifier (example: 48DF99CF-C94F-1005-8001-0242AC110010). Alert Logic recommends that you use schedule_id instead.

    • scheduled_report_name (string) - Name of the report schedule (example: Daily Variance Report). Alert Logic recommends that you use name instead.

    • ui_url (string) - URL that links to the scheduled report in the Alert Logic console (example:

Sample JSON

Alert Logic uses this JSON object to test templated connections with a Scheduled Report Notification payload type.

  "account_id": "12345678",
  "artifact_data": {
    "attachments": [
        "name": "Daily Variance Report 2022-08-25 21:26 GMT.gz",
        "url": ""
    "create_time": 1661462780,
    "metadata": {
      "artifact_create_date": "2022-08-25 21:26 GMT",
      "cadence": "Daily, 21:26 GMT",
      "cid": "12345678",
      "customer_name": "XYZ Corporation",
      "report_description": "This report provides a comparison of new, resolved and unresolved vulnerability instances in your environment from the previous day.",
      "report_id": "20220825-212600-48DF99CF-C94F-1005-8001-0242AC110010",
      "report_type": "Daily Vulnerability Variance",
      "result_count": 1471,
      "schedule_id": "48DF99CF-C94F-1005-8001-0242AC110010",
      "scheduled_report_name": "Daily Variance Report"
    "result_count": 1471,
    "result_id": "72DB7F39-E717-1005-8001-0242AC110016"
  "created": {
    "at": 1661462760,
    "by": "A3CBF982-2FED-4E4B-9168-9E28F22FEEE3"
  "delete_empty_result": false,
  "id": "20220825-212600-48DF99CF-C94F-1005-8001-0242AC110010",
  "modified": {
    "at": 1661462780,
    "by": "A3CBF982-2FED-4E4B-9168-9E28F22FEEE3"
  "name": "Daily Variance Report",
  "notify_behavior": "ifnotempty",
  "publish_result": {
    "status": "ok",
    "timestamp": 1661462760
  "published": false,
  "run_once": false,
  "schedule": {
    "daily": {
      "hour": 21,
      "minute": 26
  "schedule_id": "48DF99CF-C94F-1005-8001-0242AC110010",
  "scheduled_time": 1661462760,
  "status": "completed",
  "type": "tableau",
  "extra": {
    "artifact_create_date": "2022-08-25 21:26 GMT",
    "cadence": "Daily, 21:26 GMT",
    "cid": "12345678",
    "customer_name": "XYZ Corporation",
    "download_url": "",
    "report_description": "This report provides a comparison of new, resolved and unresolved vulnerability instances in your environment from the previous day.",
    "report_id": "20220825-212600-48DF99CF-C94F-1005-8001-0242AC110010",
    "result_count": "1471",
    "schedule_id ": "48DF99CF-C94F-1005-8001-0242AC110010",
    "scheduled_report_name": "Daily Variance Report",
    "ui_url": ""