
The Alert Logic Managed Web Application Firewall (WAF) Statistics page includes the following sections. Click on the link to go to the corresponding section to learn more:

To go to the documentation for the previous section of the Reports subsection, see Reports. To go to the documentation for next subsection in the Reports subsection, see System.

To access the Reports page in the WAF management interface:

  1. On the left panel, under Services, click Websites.
  2. On the Websites page, click the website you want to manage.
  3. Under Reports, click Statistics.

To save configuration changes or edits you make to any features and options, you must click Save on the lower-right of the section or page where you are making changes. Click apply changes on the upper-left corner of the page, and then click OK. Your changes will not be stored if you do not properly save your changes.

The Statistics section contains various proxy specific statistics information.

Interval selection

This section is used for selection of the interval used for generating the statistics. The interval is always calculated from the current time.

Show last

Shows the statistics from current date and time and back the selected interval. Eg. 8 hours.

Show stats

Refresh the statistics based on the current selection.

Summary section

This section shows the statistics for the currently selected proxy.

Requests total

Total number of requests.

Requests/sec (avg.)

Average number of requests for the selected period.

Compression ratio

Compression ratio for the selected period. Eg. 60% means that the original data was compressed to the 60% of it's original size.

Cache hits

Percentage of responses served from the cache

Original data

Amount of original data before compression (in megabytes).

Data transferred

Amount of data transferred.

Data received

Amount of data received.

Response codes

Click Show details link to toggle display of web server response codes:


Response code: 200

Number of requests processed normally.


Response codes: 300-399

Number of requests redirected.

Access denied

Response codes 400-499 except 404

Number of requests that was denied for some reason.

Not found

Response code: 404

Number of requests for unavailable content or resources.

Internal error

Response codes: 500-599 except 502

Number of requests resulting in an internal server error.

Bad gateway

Response code: 502

Number of requests resulting in the bad gateway error.


Number of requests generating other error codes.


Drop-down options

Selection of the interval used for generating the statistics.

The interval is always calculated from the current time.

8 hours

Displays an interval of 8 hours counting backwards from the current time.

24 hours

Displays an interval of 24 hours counting backwards from the current time.


Displays an interval of one week counting backwards from the current time.


Displays an interval of one month counting backwards from the current time.

Period start

Starting date and time for the generated statistics.

Period end

Ending date and time for the generated statistics.

Compression and served from cache graph

This graph shows the compression ratio and served from cache ratio for the selected proxy and interval.

Compression ratio

Compression ratio spanning the selected interval.

Requests/sec (avg.)

Shows the served from cache ratio spanning the selected interval.

Requests total and served from cache graph

This graph shows the total number of requests and served from cache number for the selected proxy and interval.

Requests total

Shows the total requests spanning the selected interval.

Requests served from cache

Shows the served from cache requests spanning the selected interval.

Lower button bar

Clear stats

Clear all stat data and start from scratch.