
The System Tools page includes the following sections. Click on the link to go to the corresponding section to learn more:

To go to the documentation for the previous section of System, see Logs. To go to the documentation for next subsection in the System section, see Maintenance .

To access the Maintenance page in the WAF management interface, on the left panel, under System, click Maintenance.

To save configuration changes or edits you make to any features and options, you must click Save on the lower-right of the section or page where you are making changes. Click apply changes on the upper-left corner of the page, and then click OK. Your changes will not be stored if you do not properly save your changes.

Tools for operation, maintenance and support.

Network tools

TCP connect test

Used for network connectivity debugging.

TCP connect test

Input field

Attempts to establish a connection to the remote on the port specified. If the connection is successfully established, the remote host is considered reachable.

Valid input

A valid IP address:port string

Input example

Default value


Network debug

The network debug tool runs tcpdump with the selected options. Tcpdump intercepts packages sent to or from the selected interface and writes packet information to a debug log file which can be viewed in the System : Logs section.

The most common use of this tool is to debug connection issues with either clients or backend web servers.


The interface to intercept traffic to/from.

Packet count

The number of packets to capture.

When the selected number of packets are captured the tool will stop.

Source/destination IP

Input field

Limit packet capturing to a specified source / target IP.

To debug problems with a backend server enter that servers IP address. To debug client problems enter the IP address of the client.

This value is optional.

Valid input

A valid IP address

Input example

Default value



Input field

Limit packet capturing to a specific port number.

This value is optional.

Valid input

A valid port number in the range 1-65534

Input example


Default value




Print less protocol information so output lines are shorter.

Reboot and Shutdown

This section allow the system administrator to restart and shutdown Alert Logic Managed Web Application Firewall (WAF).


Restarts WAF.

Click on the button Reboot to initiate a restart.

Reboot takes approximately 2 minutes depending on the hardware configuration.


Shutdown Web Security Manager.

Click on the button Shutdown to initiate a clean shutdown of Web Security Manager™.

Technical information for support

This section allow the system administrator to view detail information about the current Web Security Manager system status. This information is typically intended for support cases.

System Details

Detailed system information including hardware, network settings and running processes.

To get the information, click on the Download button.

You will be prompted to save the file locally on your computer.

License information

Shows current license information including validity and product type.

Product name

Name of the product license.

Major version

Major product version - e.g. 2.

Serial number

Shows the current applied serial number.

This information is important when contacting Alert Logic for technical support.

Apply new key

Input field

Apply new license key.

Allows the system administrator to apply a new license key.

Valid input

A valid license key

Default value


Type in or paste the new license key and click the Apply button for changes to take effect.