Configure Log Sources for Microsoft Azure

Alert Logic supports the following log source types for Azure:

For more information about other log source types, see Configure Log Sources for All Deployments or Configure Log Sources for Amazon Web Services (AWS).

After you provision and install the Alert Logic agent on your target host, the agent automatically creates an associated log source in the Alert Logic console and configures it with the default collection configuration policy for that log source type. You must create and configure new collection sources with existing collection policies to meet more specific requirements. For more information about Log Management policies, see Log Management Policies.

Create and maintain Azure Activity log sources

To create an Azure Activity log source:

  1. From the Deployments page, click the deployment for which you want to create an Activity log collection source.
  3. Click the add icon ().
  4. From Source Log Type, select Azure Activity Logs.
  5. In the Source Name field, type a descriptive name.
  6. Select Enable Collection.
  7. Select one of the following:
    • To use an existing audit account, select Use an existing Audit Account and select the Azure account you want to use.
    • To create a new audit account, select Create new Audit Account and select the settings you want. Azure will ask you to create a new user name and password.

    If you select Create new Audit Account, verify the account has the proper permissions to allow Alert Logic to read the Azure Activity events.

    To properly set up a role with the minimum permissions required, you must create a custom role in Azure. For more information, read Create custom roles for Azure Role-Based Access Control.

    The role below provides a minimum set of permissions required for Activity Log collection:

    "Name": "<name of your role>",
    "Id": "<auto-assigned>",
    "IsCustom": true,
    "Description": "<description of the role>",
    "Actions": [
    "NotActions": [
    "AssignableScopes": [
    "/subscriptions/<add your Subscription ID>" ] }
  8. In Collection Alerts, select one or more alert options.
  9. In Subscription ID, type your Azure Subscription ID.
  10. In Resource Group Filter, type a Resource Group name.
  11. In the Tags field, type an easily filtered tag.
  12. Click SAVE.

To update Azure Activity logs sources:

  1. From the Deployments page, click the deployment for which you want to update the log source.
  3. Place your cursor over the desired collection source and click the pencil icon ().
  4. Make the necessary updates.
  5. Click SAVE.

Create and maintain Azure App Service web server logs

To create an Azure App Service web server logs source:

  1. From the Deployments page, click the deployment for which you want to create an Azure App service web server collection source.
  3. Click the add icon ().
  4. From Source Log Type, select App Service Web Server Logging.
  5. In the Source Name field, type a descriptive name.
  6. Select Enable Collection.
  7. Select one of the following:
    • To use an existing storage account, select Use an existing Storage Account and select the storage account you want to use.
    • To create a new storage account, select Create new Storage Account and select the settings you want. Azure will ask you to create a new user name and password.

    In the Azure Portal, browse to the storage account in which you store your logs, click Settings, and then click Access keys to view, copy, and regenerate your account access keys.

  8. In Collection Alerts, click the field and select one or more alert options.
  9. In App Service Name, type the name of your App Service Web application.
  10. In Storage Blob Container, type the storage account container name where your web server logging is located.
  11. In the Tags field, type an easily filtered tag.
  12. Click SAVE.

To update an Azure App Service web server logs source:

  1. From the Deployments page, click the deployment for which you want to update the log source.
  3. Place your cursor over the desired collection source and click the pencil icon ().
  4. Make the necessary updates.
  5. Click SAVE.

Azure Event Hubs log collection

Microsoft Azure Event Hubs is a data streaming platform and event ingestion service that can receive and process millions of events per second. Alert Logic allows you to configure Event Hubs to collect your Azure logs and forward them to Alert Logic. For more information, see Alert Logic Log Collector for Microsoft Azure Event Hubs.

Additional Tasks

To learn how to perform additional tasks, such as viewing source information, mass editing sources, and archiving and restoring collection sources, see View log source information.