Asset Groups
The Asset Groups page, listed under Configure in the Alert Logic console, can be used to organize your assets and capture business context in the Alert Logic console. Asset groups can currently be used to filter security findings in several areas of the Alert Logic console:
• Assets page, including incident, exposure, and health findings
• Exposures page, including filtering exposure remediations
• Health page
Use asset groups to create consolidated views of critical hosts or other security assets that have special significance in your environment.
Create an asset group
To create an asset group, you enter details about the group and then configure it. For more information about the tabs on the Configuration page that appear after you enter the asset group details, see Asset group configuration.
To enter details about the asset group:
- In the Alert Logic console, click the navigation menu icon (
), click
Configure, and then click Asset Groups.
- On the Asset Groups page, click the add icon (
), and then click Asset Group.
- Type a descriptive name that easily identifies this asset group in a list—for example, "HIPAA."
- (Optional) Select a criticality rating between 0 and 10 for your asset group.
The value indicates how important it is to protect assets belonging to the group. Alert Logic multiplies the value by the Threat Risk Index (TRI) to obtain a weighted score that accounts for your scale.
Suppose the criticality ratings in your organization are Info, Low, Medium, and High. Your team decides to assign values of 0 to 3 to your asset groups to account for this scale. To indicate an asset group has a Medium criticality in this scenario, your team selects 2. - Type a detailed description for your asset group to help you identify the asset group later.
To select assets to include in or exclude from the group:
- In the Assets tab on the Configuration page, expand the list of assets until you find the asset of interest, and then click the asset.
For information about how to filter the asset list and select other asset types to view in the list, see Assets tab.
- In the asset details that appear on the right, click the include icon (
) next to the asset name at the top of the list (this is the asset key value) or one or more asset properties that you want to include.
To include a specific subnet, for example, select the name of the subnet in the asset list and then include the subnet key value. To include any subnet in the deployment with a specific name such as "Alert Logic Security Subnet," include the Subnet Name property instead. In that scenario, the asset group includes any subnet with that name across the entire deployment. - (Optional) To exclude an asset or one or more of its properties, click the exclude icon (
) next to it. You cannot exclude an asset unless you include a parent of the asset. You cannot exclude an asset property unless you include the asset or one of its parents.
For example, if you select a VPC that includes three subnets, you can exclude one of the subnets from your asset group. You cannot exclude a subnet until the parent VPC (or other ancestor in the deployment) is included.
To select assets to include in or exclude from the group with tags:
- On the Configuration page, click the Tags tab, find the asset tag of interest, and then click the asset tag.
To filter the list, you can search for characters in your asset tag names. For more information about the Tags tab, see Tags tab.
- In the asset tag properties that appear on the right, click the include icon (
) next to the tag key value at the top of the list or one or more tag properties that you want to include.
For example, if you select a tag and include the key value, the asset group includes only assets that have a tag with that name and value. If you include the tag name, the asset group includes any asset with that tag name, regardless of the value. Similarly, you can include a value to include assets with tags that have that value, regardless of the tag name. - (Optional) To exclude a tag or one or more of its properties, click the exclude icon (
) next to it. You cannot exclude a tag unless you include an asset with that tag or its parent. You cannot exclude a tag property unless you include the tag, an asset with the tag, or a parent of an asset with the tag.
To view, edit, or create the asset group expression:
- On the Configuration page, click the Expression tab. If you selected assets to include and exclude on the Assets or Tags tabs, they appear in the Expression Editor.
For more information about the Expression tab, see Expression tab.
- (Optional) To edit or create the expression manually, click the EDIT icon. A red bar next to a line indicates a syntax error. Code with errors is underlined with a jagged red line. You can hover the pointer over the underlined code to view a tip about the error.
For more information, see Asset Groups Expression Reference.
- When you finish editing, click UPDATE to apply your changes, or click CANCEL to discard your edits.
Selections on the Assets tab and the Tags tab refresh when you update the expression.
- When you finish configuring your asset group, click ADD.
Asset group configuration
To configure your asset group, you can choose assets and asset tags that you want to include in or exclude from your group. As you configure the group in the Asset tab and Tags tab, Alert Logic creates an expression that you can view and edit in the Expression tab.
Assets tab
The Assets tab includes the asset topology in your account and the accounts you manage. The asset topology is a list of your deployments and the interconnected assets in the deployments. The asset filters selected determine which asset types appear in the list. If you want a different view of your assets, you can select other filters. By default, the top level of the hierarchical list is your deployments, followed by their regions, networks, subnets, and hosts, if present. The number of each of these assets in the deployment appears next to the deployment name. A search bar allows you to search for characters in your asset names to filter the list. Only the items that include the characters, plus their parent assets, appear in a searched asset list.
After you filter the list as needed, you can click an asset type in the list to view its properties. The asset key value is at the top, followed by the asset properties. Next to the key value and each property is an include icon ( ) and an exclude icon (
) that you can click to include it in or exclude it from the group. You cannot exclude an asset unless you include a parent of the asset. You cannot exclude an asset property unless you include the asset or one of its parents.
When you include or exclude assets, icons appear in the asset list that indicate the following:
![]() |
The group includes this asset. |
![]() |
The group includes this asset because a parent asset is selected for inclusion. |
![]() |
This asset contains other assets that are included in the group. In other words, the asset group does not include this asset, but it does include one or more of its child assets. |
![]() |
The group excludes this asset. |
![]() |
The group excludes this asset because a parent asset is selected for exclusion. |
Tags tab
Another useful way to include assets in your group is with tags. The Tags tab includes a list of asset tags in your deployments. A search bar allows you to search for characters in your asset tag names to filter the list. Only the tags that include the characters appear in a searched tags list.
You can click a tag to view its properties. The tag key value is at the top, followed by the tag properties. Next to the key value and each property is an include icon () and an exclude icon (
) that you can click to include it in, or exclude it from, the group. You cannot exclude a tag unless you include an asset with that tag or its parent. You cannot exclude a tag property unless you include the tag, an asset with the tag, or a parent of an asset with the tag.
When you include or exclude asset tags, icons appear in the asset list that indicate the following:
![]() |
The group includes assets with this tag. |
![]() |
The group excludes assets with this tag. |
In the Tagged Assets section of the property details, a list of assets with that tag appears and includes the number of assets with the tag.
Expression tab
The Expression tab displays the JSON expression that Alert Logic creates as you select assets to include in and exclude from your asset group. The tab includes a summary of supported JSON fields and an Expression Editor. Operations professionals can click EDIT to edit the expression or create the entire expression manually. The Expression Editor validates your JSON as you type. For more information about available fields, see Asset Groups Expression Reference, which includes field descriptions and examples.
Add a linked asset group
Linked asset groups allow you to create a unified asset group from one or more existing asset groups. You can use linked asset groups to collect smaller groups together, such as to combine several application server asset groups into one group that represents the assets belonging to the application support team.
Linked asset groups cannot be used as a component of other linked asset groups.
To add a linked asset group, you enter details about the group, and then you select the asset groups to include.
A linked group updates automatically when assets are added to or removed from a member group.
To enter details about the asset group:
- On the Asset Groups page, click the add icon (
), and then click Linked Asset Group.
- Type a descriptive name that easily identifies this asset group in a list—for example, "Compliance."
- (Optional) Select a criticality rating between 0 and 10 for your linked asset group.
The value indicates how important it is to protect assets belonging to the group. Alert Logic multiplies the value by the Threat Risk Index (TRI) to obtain a weighted score that accounts for your scale.
Suppose the criticality ratings in your organization are Info, Low, Medium, and High. Your team decides to assign values of 0 to 3 to your asset groups to account for this scale. To indicate an asset group has a Medium criticality in this scenario, your team selects 2. - Type a detailed description for your linked asset group to help you identify it later.
To select assets groups to add to the linked group:
- On the Configuration page, select the asset groups that you want to include in your new linked group. You can use the search bar to help you find asset groups.
- Click the matching rule you want to use for including assets in your linked group:
- All Assets in Selected Groups—Includes every asset that exists in any of the selected asset groups in your linked group
- Overlapping Assets Only—Includes only assets that exist in all of the selected asset groups in your linked group
- Click ADD.
Manage asset groups
On the Asset Groups page, you can search for, view details about, edit, and delete asset groups.
You can use the search bar to filter the list of asset groups to include only items that contain specific words or partial words in the asset group name.
View details
In the list of asset groups, find the asset group whose details you want to view, and then click View. Details include the description and criticality rating. You can edit or delete an asset group from the detail view.
Edit an asset group
You can change the details and configuration for an existing asset group or linked asset group.
To edit an asset group:
- In the list of asset groups, find the asset group or linked asset group that you want to edit, click View, and then click the EDIT icon.
- Change any of the available settings, and then click SAVE AND CONTINUE.
- Change the asset group configuration as needed, and then click UPDATE.
Delete an asset group
In the list of asset groups, find the asset group or linked asset group that you want to delete, click View, and then click the DELETE icon.
If you try to delete a group that belongs to one or more linked asset groups, a message indicates the names of the linked groups. If you confirm the deletion, Alert Logic removes the group from the linked groups.