WAF Reports
The REPORTS page in the Alert Logic console provides access to data related to exposures and incidents Alert Logic found within your deployments. You can also view data related to your product usage within your accounts. For information on all the available report groups, see Reports Guide.
To access the WAF reports, in the Alert Logic console, click the menu icon (), and then click
Validate. Click Reports, and then click WAF.
Each report allows you to share its data by email, or download the report as a CSV or PDF file. To learn how to download reports, see Report Download Option.
You can also schedule a report to run periodically and subscribe users or an integration (such as a webhook) to receive a notification when the report is generated. From the Downloads tab on the Reports page, you can download and manage reports generated from your schedules. For more information, see Scheduled Reports and Notifications.
WAF Usage
You can run the following report that provides information on your actual use of WAF capabilities:
- WAF Traffic: Provides visibility into WAF traffic volume and requests processed in your environment, including WAF traffic per day measured by requests or megabytes, and an appliance list with traffic requests and megabytes. To learn more about this report, see WAF Traffic.
Web Application Analysis
You can run the following reports that provide information for policy violations from your inline Alert Logic Managed Web Application Firewall (WAF).
- WAF Violation Explorer: Provides visibility into blocked WAF requests and attempted web app attacks, including total and blocked WAF policy violations counts, violations by day, operating mode, risk level, attack class, and type. To learn more about this report, see WAF Violation Explorer Report.
- WAF Violation Trends: Provides insights into patterns in your WAF violations, including violation distribution and trends categorized by action, risk level, attack class, violation type, response code, method, and protocol. To learn more about this report, see WAF Violation Trends.
Other Reports
The WAF reports group provide access to activity and policy information for the Alert Logic Managed Web Application Firewall (WAF) add-on service. Alert Logic provides the following WAF reports:
- WAF Activity: Provides information on activity being validated by the WAF. For more information, see WAF Activity Report.
- WAF Policy: Provides a summary of the WAF security configuration on a per website basis. Each PCI Policy report provides the security policy settings for a single website protected by the WAF. For more information, see WAF Policy Report.
For a complete overview of the Alert Logic Managed Web Application Firewall (WAF), including the additional reports available through the dedicated WAF User Interface, see Alert Logic Managed Web Application Firewall (WAF) Manual