Configure Mimecast Log Collector
The Alert Logic Mimecast collector is an AWS-based API Poll (PAWS) log collector library mechanism designed to collect logs from the Mimecast platform.
You must complete the following to successfully configure and verify your Mimecast log collector:
- Set up the Mimecast application
- Configure collection in the Alert Logic console
- Verify successful configuration
Set up the Mimecast application
You must identify your regional base URL, enable enhanced logging, add a custom API application, create a new user profile and application setting, and generate API access and secret Keys in the Mimecast administrator portal.
Identify your base domain URL
Copy and paste the base URL for your host region in a safe place for later.
Enable enhanced logging for your account
You must enable the log API endpoint in the Mimecast console.
- Log into the Administration Console.
- Go to Administration > Account > Account Settings menu.
- Click the Enhanced Logging section.
- Enable the log type(s) you would like to get by using the Alert Logic Mimecast collector.
For more information on enabling the log endpoint, see SIEM log API endpoint. For a description of Mimecast SIEM logs, see Understanding SIEM Logs.
Add a custom API application for integration with Alert Logic
You must add an API application in the Mimecast console. This procedure creates an Application ID and Application Key that you target when you configure the Mimecast collector later in the Alert Logic console later.
- Log into the Administration Console.
- Navigate to the Administration | Services | API and Platform Integrations menu.
- Click the Your Application Integrations tab.
- Click Add API Application.
- In the details section, provide the following information:
- Application Name— Name of your Alert Logic Integration. Example: "Alert Logic Log Collector"
- Category— SIEM Integration
- Select the Enable Extended Session option so that the access keys generated for the application do not expire based on the Authentication Profile's Authentication TTL value. This option prevents interruptions to the Alert Logic Mimecast collector.
- Description— Provide an additional description of the integration. For example, "Our cybersecurity Managed Detection and Response (MDR) provider"
- Click Next.
- In the settings section, provide the following information:
- Developer: Alert Logic
- Email:
- Click Next.
- Verify the information in the Summary page.
- Click Add.
- Copy and paste the Application ID and Application Key in a safe place for later.
Create a user profile for the Alert Logic integration
You must create a user profile with the correct permissions to generate API keys for Mimecast collector authentication.
To create a new user:
- Log into the Administration Console.
- Navigate to the Administration | Directories | Internal Directories menu.
- Click the internal domain you want for your new user, which is used to get API keys later. Example: ""
- Click New Address and complete the form to create a new user.
- Copy and paste the user name (example: "") and password in a safe place for later.
To add the user to the administrative role:
- Navigate to the Administration | Account | Roles menu.
- Right-click the Basic Administrator role and click Add users to role.
- Select the new user that you created.
- Click Add Selected Users.
To create a new group to add your users:
- Navigate to the Administration | Directories | Profile Groups menu.
- Click the + icon on a parent directory to create a new child group directory named "New Folder." If you aren't sure which parent directory to add the group under, use Root. To edit the name, click the group and change the name in the text box. Example: "Alert Logic Logs Admin"
- Click the Build tab, and then click Add Email Addresses.
- Enter the email address of the new user that you created. Example: "".
- Click Save and Exit.
To create a new authentication profile:
- Navigate to the Administration | Services | Applications menu.
- Click the Authentication Profiles tab.
- Click New Authentication Profile.
- In the Description field, enter a name for your new profile. Example: "API Authentication Profile for the Alert Logic Log collector."
- Onthe Authentication TTL dropdown menu, click Never Expires.
- Leave the other settings as default.
- Click Save and Exit.
To create a new application setting:
You must create a new application setting to bind the user group, authentication profile, and custom API application to each other.
- Navigate to the Administration | Services | Applications menu.
- Click the New Application Settings tab.
- Click New Authentication Profile.
- In the Description field, enter a name for your new setting. Example: "API Application Setting for the Alert Logic Log collector."
- In the Group field, paste the group you created.
- In the Authentication Profile field, select the authentication profile you created.
- Click Save and Exit.
Create the API Access Key and Secret Key
You must create user associated keys. These keys authorize a user profile for the Alert Logic Mimecast collector to access APIs and get information from Mimecast.
- Navigate to the Administration | Services | API and Platform Integrations menu.
- Click the Your Application Integrations tab.
- Click the application you created in Add a custom API application for integration with Alert Logic.
- Click Create Keys.
- For Email Address, enter the user profile e-mail address you created in Create a user profile for the Alert Logic integration.
- Click Next.
- In the Authentication dialog box, provide the following information:
- Type: Cloud.
- Password: Enter the user profile password you created in Create a user profile for the Alert Logic integration.
- Click Next.
- If prompted, complete MFA in the verification dialog.
- Click Next.
- Copy and paste the Access Key and Secret Key in a safe place for later.
Configure collection in the Alert Logic console
After you Set up the Mimecast application, you must complete the next step of the collection configuration process in the Alert Logic console. You can configure more than one instance of the Mimecast collector if you need to monitor logs for more than one Mimecast account.
To access the Application Registry page, click the menu icon (). Click
Configure, and then click Application Registry.
To add a new Mimecast collector:
- In the Application Registry, click the Mimecast tile.
- In the Application Name field, enter a descriptive name for the collector.
- In the Mimecast Domain field, paste the base URL you verified in Identify your base domain URL
- In the Application ID field paste the application ID you created in Add a custom API application for integration with Alert Logic.
- In the Application Key field, paste the application key you created in Add a custom API application for integration with Alert Logic.
- In the API Access Key field, paste the access key you created in Create the API Access Key and Secret Key.
- In the API Secret Key field, paste the secret key you created in Create the API Access Key and Secret Key.
- Under Application Names, select which types of logs you want Alert Logic to collect from Mimecast.
- (Optional) In the Collection Start field, provide a collection start time stamp in (2020-01-01T16:00:00Z) format.
- Click ADD. Wait 10 minutes for the application to be successfully created and appear in your application list. Do not click ADD again while the request is processing.
Verify successful configuration
You can verify that your Mimecast collector is configured correctly in the Configured Applications tab within approximately 10 minutes of adding the integration. For more information about how to add instances or manage existing collecting applications, see Manage your configured applications.
To view logs collected by a specific Mimecast collector:
- In the Application Registry, click the Configured Applications tab.
- Click the View dropdown menu for the Mimecast collector.
- Click VIEW LOGS to open log search results for the collector.
To view logs collected by all Mimecast collectors in your environment, click here.
The Health console also indicates whether the application collector is healthy or unhealthy. For more information, see Health.