Upgrade to Managed Detection and Response

The Alert Logic console provides a universal navigation experience for all Alert Logic customers, regardless of your product subscriptions.

The Alert Logic console shows only the tabs and pages appropriate to your product subscription. This topic describes all possible tabs and pages, but specifies the subscriptions that generate the tabs and pages. For more information about subscriptions Alert Logic offers, see Get Started with Alert Logic Subscriptions and Add-ons.

Upgrade process and window

Prior to your upgrade, Alert Logic performs a migration precheck to uncover issues in your environment that can prevent a successful upgrade. An implementation engineer shares results and schedules a meeting with your engineering team to review any required and recommended actions. For details about the precheck, see Upgrade Prechecks.

After your team resolves any blocking issues, Alert Logic works with you to schedule the migration. Plan to allow 48 hours for the Alert Logic team to complete your upgrade. The two-day window allows time for troubleshooting, if necessary. The upgrade occurs during business hours Monday to Friday, with the actual migration taking approximately one hour.


Prior to your upgrade, you must perform the following cloud deployment updates:

For a complete list of issues that can block your upgrade or affect its success, see Upgrade Prechecks.

How to find features in the new console

The new functionality that corresponds to legacy offerings is available for all MDR subscriptions.

Legacy Functionality Name New Functionality
Log Manager Saved View Saved and Scheduled Searches
Log Review Cases Monthly Log Review Report and Incidents
Log Search and Log Search BETA Newer Search experience with Simple and Expert modes
Webhooks Connections, including templated connections for ticketing and messaging systems and a universal webhook
Scheduled Reports Scheduled Reports and Notifications
Collection Alerts Daily Health Summary and Scheduled Reports and Notifications
Scan Schedules Default and custom scan schedules
Summary and Dashboards Available as Reports Guide, and Risk Reports, and Dashboards.
Reports Reports Guide
Host Groups and Zones Topology
Log Correlation and Alerts Correlations and Notifications
Assignment Policies Automatic agent assignment within a network, which can be overriden by setting up Cross-Network Protection

Deprecated or unsupported functionality

Alert Logic has removed or does not support the following functionality. Both lists apply to Cloud Defender, which includes both Threat Manager and Log Manager.

  • For Threat Manager customers
    • Browse Devices
    • Event alerts
    • Defense alerts
    • Case alerts
    • Monitoring policies
  • For Log Manager customers
    • Log Collection Schedule policies
    • Case alerts

Upgrade details

Your upgrade offers feature parity and enhancements that affect the following functionality, which is available with all MDR subscriptions:

Additional features

Your upgrade to MDR offers features that were not available on the legacy platform. The additional features improve your experience and your ability to detect and respond to threats in your environment.

All MDR subscriptions offer these features:

These features are available with Alert Logic MDR Professional and Alert Logic MDR Enterprise subscriptions:

Learn more

For more resources to help you learn about key features in MDR, see Recommended Training for New and Upgrading Customers. Linked materials include training videos, product documentation, and knowledge base articles organized by feature.